Now-a-days every institution needs automation. As a part of college automation, we have decided to do a project “Voice Interactive System for College Automation”. Our project allows the user to know the student’s attendance and marks quickly through the telephone line without the intention of the college authority. In the hardware side embedded system has been used. A 20 pin microcontroller 89C2051 is used because of its compatibility with our hardware. This microcontroller controls the whole hardware. Telephone line is used for communication purpose. Visual Basic has been used for software programming. Presentation in the class and outcome of the university are made reachable to the parents by our project. It will be very obliging to the parents to be acquainted with their son’s/daughter’s recital in the college.
Monday, September 24, 2007
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Free 8051 / 8052 Microcontroller Projects
2. Automatic College Bell (AT89S8252 & DS1307)
3. Automatic plant Irrigation (AT89C2051)
4. Automatic Room light Controller with Visitor Counter (AT89S52)
6. Device Controlling through PC (Visual Basic)
7. Digital Calendar (AT89C2051)
8. Digital Countdown Timer (AT89C2051)
9. Digital Visitor Counter (AT89C2051)
10. DS1620 Based Temperature Controller (AT89S52)
11. Electronic Voting Machine (AT89S8252)
12. Electronics Components Tester (AT89C52)
13. Fire Fighting Robot (AT89S52)
14. Gates Emulator (AT89C2051)
15. Home Security System(AT89S52)
16. Infrared Interruption counter (AT89C2051)
17. InfraRed Remote Switch (6 devices + 1 fan) -AT89S52
18. InfraRed Remote Switch (AT89C2051)
19. IVRS For College Automation (AT89C2051 + VB)
20. Line Following Robot (AT89C2051)
21. Microcontroller Based Caller ID (AT89C2051)
22. Microcontroller Based Digital code Lock (AT89C2051)
23. Multipattern Running Lights (AT89C2051)
24. Parallel Telephone with auto secrecy (AT89C2051)
25. Password Based Door Locking (AT89C2051)
27. PC Based GPS28. PC Based Robot (AT89C2051)
29. PC -MC communication (AT89C2051 + Tx/Rx)
30. Prepaid Energy Meter (AT89S52)
31. REMOTE CONTROL VIA INTERNET (AT89S52 + Ethernet Adaptor)
32. Remote Controlled Digital Clock with DS1307 & AT89C2051
33. RF Based Remote control (AT89C2051)
34. RFID Based Attendance System (AT89S52 + RFID)
35. RFID Based Security System (AT89S52 + RFID)
37. SMS based Device Switching (ATmega8515 + Nokia 5110 Mobile)
38. SMS through Telephone (AT89S8252)
39. Solar tracking System (AT89C52)
40. Telephone controlled Remote switch (AT89C2051)
41. Temperature controlled Fan (AT89S52)
43. Traffic Light Controller (AT89C2051)
44. Two Line Intercom (AT89C2051)
45. Voice Ineractive System For College Automation (AT89C2051 + VB)
Digital Calendar (AT89C2051)
This Project Digital Calendar using Microcontroller is an advanced digital calendar, which displays the Date, Day, Month over the LED display. It has an 8 bit Microcontroller which runs on the Program embedded on its ROM. Separate LED’s are provided for the date, day, and month. The system has an battery backup so that it can run over all the time even during the power failure. Totally there are 31 LED’s for indicating the date and 12 LED’s for indicating the Month and 7 LED’s to indicate the day. All the above systems are controlled by the Microcontroller. In our project we are using the popular 8 bit microcontroller AT89C2051. It is a 20 pin microcontroller.
In spite of the improvement of communication link and despite all progress in advanced communication technologies, there are still very few functioning commercial wireless monitoring systems, which are most off-line, and there are still a number of issues to deal with. Therefore, there is a strong need for investigating the possibility of design and implementation of an interactive real-time wireless communication system. In our project, a generic real-time wireless communication system was designed and developed for short and long term remote patient-monitoring applying wireless protocol. The primary function of this system is to monitor the temperature and Heart Beat of the Patient and the Data collected by the sensors are sent to the Microcontroller. The Microcontroller transmits the data over the air. At the receiving end a receiver is used to receive the data and it is decoded and fed to Microcontroller, which is then displayed over the LCD display. If there is a dangerous change in patient's status an alarm is also sounded.
Automatic Room light Controller with Visitor Counter (AT89S52)
This Project “Automatic Room Light Controller with Visitor Counter using Microcontroller” is a reliable circuit that takes over the task of controlling the room lights as well us counting number of persons/ visitors in the room very accurately. When somebody enters into the room then the counter is incremented by one and the light in the room will be switched ON and when any one leaves the room then the counter is decremented by one. The light will be only switched OFF until all the persons in the room go out. The total number of persons inside the room is also displayed on the seven segment displays. The microcontroller does the above job. It receives the signals from the sensors, and this signal is operated under the control of software which is stored in ROM. Microcontroller AT89S52 continuously monitor the Infrared Receivers, When any object pass through the IR Receiver's then the IR Rays falling on the receiver’s are obstructed , this obstruction is sensed by the Microcontroller